Ahimsa The Vegan Café
The Ahimsa café concept came into being in the mountains of Nepal and Tibet on the journey to Mount Kailash in August 2014. Mohanji (who was leading the pilgrimage) discussed this idea with Vijay, our Managing Director. Mohanji’s view was that it was no use preaching to people about adopting a cruelty free vegan diet if there were no places for people to eat affordable vegan food!
It was at that point that the seed for Ahimsa the Vegan café in London was sown. Mohanji’s idea was that this would inspire the creation of more fast food vegan cafés/restaurants across the world as an antidote to the cruelty and suffering inflicted by the traditional meat and dairy filled fast food joints. The first step in the realisation of this vision was the opening of the Ahimsa The Vegan café in Pinner, North West London in December 2016.
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